Hopefully all of you have spent sometime reflecting on the last year and have put some thought into what your goals are for 2016. This is the moment where we start to take that first step and look to the future. The true secret to accomplishing any goal is to first know where you want to go, and start taking little steps to get there everyday. That is it. Something so simple but yet so hard to do at times.
As we "go for it" in 2016 here some helpful tips that help get all of us where we want to go.
1. Try and do *one thing* related to your goal everyday! Weather that is watching a tutorial on the subject, working on photo processing, doing some location scouting, making that cold call to potential clients to find new business, reaching out to someone you respect for help that guide you, or even spending some time thinking about what to do next. Do "something" everyday.
2. Understand achieving your goal is going to be a slow process. Success doesn't come over night. It happens by deliberate steps that add up over time.
3. If you have a bad day or experience struggle, understand that is part of it. Every goal worth pursuing is going to involve struggle. It's the people that don't understand this that give up and never accomplish their dreams. Try and accept that it is going to be hard but so worth it.
4. Take a minute and try and enjoy what your learning or where the journey is taking you. As you walk down the path you may be surprised by where it takes you so try and enjoy it rather then stressing about getting to where your going.
5. It is ok to change your mind, adjust your goals, and start again. As you pursue something you may find out that you actually don't enjoy it as much as you thought, or discover something else along the way that feels better to you. It is ok to adjust as you go. The point is that your going somewhere, and that is more important then the destination.
All right lets make 2016 the best year yet! Let's get to work!!!!